Pastor, do you cook?


I was on my way out of the church today when a deacon approached me and asked, “Pastor, do you cook?”

“I sure do, I have four kiddos!” I responded. “I’m no chef but I better know how to do something in the kitchen. We need to eat!”

He was curious and meant well. But the whole conversation was random and funny. We laughed and laughed and laughed some more. It’s uncommon for another dude to ask about my culinary skills in public.

Since then, I have a few thoughts to share on the topic here:

  • It’s comforting to know that cooking is not a requirement for fatherhood. It’s ok if you are not an iron chef who can throw down in the kitchen. It’s ok dudes, you still get to keep your man card.

  • I’m grateful to my mom and the other mother figures for teaching me the basics. It’s helped me stay alive (literally) over the years and now as a single dad caring for my children.

  • I’m also grateful for all of the online recipe resources, especially YouTube. They are golden! I enjoy eating or ordering out when life gets crazy or if I feel lazy.

  • I prefer homemade meals because it’s sometimes cheaper, more flavorful and much healthier. You know what’s in your food when you cooked it yourself. Period.

  • I also like cooking meals at home because it’s a great opportunity to bond with my children when I get all four of them involved. This can be messy, time-consuming and nerve-wracking. But it’s super fun and definitely memorable.

  • Last, cooking my own meals help break the stereotypes and models to my boys that guys belong in the kitchen too. I want them (in addition to my girls) to grow up equipped to care for themselves. It’s an empowering skill.

I’m no exception, guys can cook.

I know many brothers who can handle themselves in the kitchen. Shout out to my boy Emon and @chefcooldre! If you are a dude and can do something in the kitchen, leave a comment below. Ladies, if you have a man who can — leave a comment, too!

Meg Delagrange

Designer & Artist located in Denver, Colorado

Be a Father Who Loves His Daughters Well